Workforce Development is a key driver of the NY-REGRIDD. The smart, resilient, renewable energy grid of the future requires a workforce trained in data science, IT skills, and power engineering, which are very different from those of a traditional power line worker. Education and training providers must thoroughly evaluate the current workforce and future staffing needs to adapt their programs to train a prepared and inclusive workforce. Through its partnerships and innovation ecosystem, NY-REGRIDD will create and implement recruitment, education, training, retention, and professional development programs at all levels relevant to the proposed key technology areas. 

Strategy for Workforce Development

  • Create and implement industry-funded training and apprenticeship programs; 

  • Shape government policy initiatives to promote these careers;

  • Create and implement education outreach programs, especially in underrepresented minority communities;

  • Engage unions;

  • Establish Workforce Development Working Group, including stakeholders from higher education, utilities, national laboratories, industry, trade labor, community-based organizations, Tribal Nations, and policymakers